Friday, 8 January 2010

A Funny Story

The other day, we went to ASDA ( an awesome supermarket) to buy ourselves groceries. As usual, our original plan was to go to ASDA by bus and buy *a few* groceries and get home by bus too as our groceries wont be too many. However...

THE RESULT: LOTS of groceries, so had to go home by taxi. ( we were not surprised by this because our plans to buY a few groceries never worked before this. Fatin went half-mad when she saw chocolates especially ''Yorkie'' and Ili's sanity was blown away when she passed the frozen food section. Haha. Sorry mates, you know how much I love you :p ).

Anyway, back to the story, the weather was so cold and chilling and we had to queue up to get a taxi. After minutes of waiting, we managed to get ourselves a taxi ( thank god! ). This is where the funny story starts..

The taxi driver was a young man. He got out from the car and helped us with our groceries. He seemed 'friendly' and when he opened his mouth, the 'fun' began..

Taxi driver : Hiya, where are you ladies going?

Us : We r going to 'X' ( haha the address is a secret :p. )

Taxi driver : Ok, hop in!

So we hopped in inside the car and the three of us squeezed ourselves at the back.

Taxi driver: Where did you come from?

Us: Malaysia.

Taxi driver: Where's Malaysia?

X: In Asia.

Taxi driver: Oh, I always got confused you know. Describe Malaysia.

z: There are many races there but the main races are Malay, Chinese, and Indian.

Taxi driver: I see. What about the food?

Y: We got lots of mixed food due to the mixed races.

Taxi driver: I see I see. And what are you?

Y: We are malays.

Taxi driver: Are you guys triplets?

Z: No. It doesnt mean that we wear scarves means that we are triplets. ( haha duhhhh)

Taxi driver: So you got boyfriends yeahhhh?

X: Yes. ( we dont have any but decided to say that to avoid him from asking further, but, boy, he never stopped)

Taxi driver: ( his eyes were almost popped out from his head) ALL of you?

X: Yes. ( and we were kicking each other's legs)

Taxi driver: Wowww wowwww wowwww yeahhhh. ( his hands dramatically flew everywhere. Lesson number 1, watch your steering wheel,Romeo! ) Where are your boyfriends?

Y: Back in Malaysia. ( and why the innocent questions about Malaysia turned into *this*?)

Taxi driver: Whattt? You girls are here and your boyfriends are in Malaysia? Come on, all of you are far away from each other. Let's get single and get ready to mingle yeahhh yeahhhh. ( at this point, we were fighting ourselves not to laugh. Way too funny! )

Z: No, we made promises. ( yeah right X,the only promise you made was to your imaginary boyfriend haha )

Taxi driver: So when was the last time you met your boyfriends?

Y: Summer. We go back to Malaysia every summer.

Taxi driver : I dont get it. Long distance relationship is *so* out of question yeahhhh yeahhhh ( suddenly he turned into bimbotic mode). Did you live together with your boyfriends?

Z: No. ( more kickings going on)

Taxi driver: I *dont* understand. There are many options here. You can choose many men here and you choose to be loyal? You must get ready to mingle yeahhhhhh yeahhhhh. (one more time if he said ''yeahhh yeahhhh'' im going to shoot myself).

X: No, a promise is a promise ( our legs were sore due to lots of kickings going on)

Taxi driver: Haha I dont believe in promises. You girls are still young. You should keep your options open yeahhhh yeahhhhhh. ( okay, shoot me now, I dont care anymore)

The moral of the story : Long distance relationship is *so* out of question ( and yes, say it in bimbotic tone) Ops.. I mean, Long distance relationship is *so* out of question YEAHHHHH YEAHHHHH.


  1. LOL (shud b bigger font)!!!!!!! YEAHHHH YEAHHHHH!

  2. he was so damn scary.
    Remember this bit when we were kinda lost?
    Taxi Driver:
    Dont worry YEAAHHHH!im not gonna kidnap u YEAHHHHH!YEAAAHHH its alrite YEAHHHHHH, YEAAHHHHH! Im not taking u somewhere else YEAHHH.Relax YEAH.I wont kidnap u yeahhh.

    yeaaahh(dlm nada takut)


  3. HAHAHAHA!!! that was extremely funny!!

    imaginary boyfriend, huh?? HAHAHAHA!!

    did he really thought that u girls are triplet??
    muka korg tak serupa pun..

    and that taxi driver was a real bimbo! luckily he didn't kidnap all of u that night...haha

  4. yeah!!! yeah!!!
    hahahhahahhhahahhahhahah...can't stop loughing after reading every single word..

    I can imagine how you kicking each other in that taxi...hahahha

    when i read this, i always imagine that yas is infront of me and most important thing, yas akan cite ngn penuh dramatic...camtuh~~

    seyesly, kalau i kat situ, confirm trus gelak kat taxi driver tu...

  5. Chaq: Haha. Yes, my mistake. Should be in bigger font :p

    Ili: Ok,i laughed like hell after reading your comment. He was funny though. ;)

    Faiz: Yes, he thought we were triplets. N he was a bimbo to the max haha.

    Rizal: Haha it was very funny indeed. You should be there so you can join the kickings. Picture perfect :)

  6. linking you right back yo! :)
    miss you too yoshi :P
